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Stepping into a Temple of Love

Feb 2017 -

Teotihuacan literally restructured my being. It was like intense surgery that needed 12 weeks healing time. Every emotion available to humans was experienced that week and some new ones were discovered.

My framework around energy and spiritual connection was shattered and reconstructed over this entire year, and I am just now starting to feel those pieces finishing up and being polished off. So many experiences disguised as lessons, the teachings with the energies of the Pyramids were, at times, beyond physical comprehension.

We visited the Pyramids on several days, however, this one experience shifted me entirely.

It was stifling hot without a breath of wind, the dust kicked off our shoes as we silently made our way along the worn path, lead by our guides. We stopped at a staircase descending into the earth under the Pyramid. Our guide motioned us to follow him down the stairs into the dark. As my foot touched the first stair, the back of my arms began to shake, my heart started beating faster as my body heated up.

“What is this place?”, I questioned as we went further, deeper under the pyramid, winding through an intricate maze of handmade stone tunnels. The tears started pouring down my face as I stifled back a sob, “What…is…happening…where are we?”. Every hair on my body was standing at attention, the air was electric, and I was in meltdown. My eyes met with my girlfriends, hers as wet as mine, a knowing shared “this was big”.

An image flashed through my head of Isis, a smile crossed my face as the connection was made, we were in The Temple of the Mother, one of the homes of the Egyptian Goddess and one of my main Spirit Guides.

In a private ceremony, we were asked to give to the mother what no longer served us. My energetic release was nothing short of an extraction, almost physically releasing as I was pulled back by the facilitators. I called for Isis, “My love, I am you”, this soft etheric voice whispers. My breathing stopped, stillness, dizzy in confusion as the facilitators lead me to the next area for clearing.

“Did I hear that correctly?”, as I am leaned back against an energetic shower. Waves of energy wash over me as the sound of Angels singing flood my senses. 2 Divine souls, harmonic sound vibration and energy work, nourishing and clearing every inch of my being deep inside this sacred space.

The rest of the day, silence was my cocoon. Deep in process, I questioned what I heard, rejecting the idea that I carried Isis energy. “I’m not good enough, I’m definitely not that powerful, holy Ego on a tear, who the hell do you think you are?!”. I spent hours shaming myself, hours dimming my light with hurtful words, to the point of not wanting to go to group that night to share my experience.

I made a deal with myself that I would go, and just not share that part. I was in so much fear of judgement, I had completely blocked myself to the energy of the group. One of the assistant facilitators shared, “Today I was at one with God”. Every hair on my body stood up and the tears fell down my raw cheeks once again.


She said, she was one with God. It doesn’t matter who she felt or how she processed the experience…it matters that she “felt” it within the core of her being. For her it was God, for me it was Isis. Tapping into the energy of the Universe is a gift anyone can receive, including myself. How ever the Universe shows up for you in your world is perfect and unique just for you.

My lesson involved being willing to receive. Allowing myself to receive love and know that I am worthy of love.

Why do we shower the ones closest to us with all that we have, but abuse ourselves with negative self talk and actions? Could you imagine talking to someone else the way you talk to yourself sometimes? Would you allow someone else to talk to you the way you talk to yourself?

Let’s face it, nobody can beat us up as well as we can beat ourselves up…we know our deepest darkest secrets! All that ammunition piled up and waiting to be fired, and for some reason, we fire it!

Well, I am happy to announce, my tyrant has been fired. She knocks on the door once and a while, (gotta give her credit for her tenacity), but the love I send to her keeps her at bay.

It is a constant evolving process, turning love inward allowing myself to receive from all walks of life big and small.

Supporting and soothing myself, which in turn, gives me more light to shine for others. This is what I carry moving into 2018.

Be the Lighthouse…be steady and bright…the calm in the storm

Angela McPherson

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